Let’s joyfully celebrate the true spirit of Easter—renewal, hope, and new beginnings through the resurrection of Jesus. We warmly welcome everyone, regardless of background, belief, or circumstance, to embrace this season of rebirth. This Easter, let’s embrace the light and joy of the season, creating a community where Jesus' inclusive love makes room for EVERYONE BELONGS - NO EXCEPTIONS! 

Learn More About Us Reserve Your Seats for Easter

FREE Lent/Easter Kit

Prepare your heart for the season of Lent and Easter with our free downloadable kit, filled with meaningful activities, prayers, reflections, and more that will help you embrace the hope, peace, and joy of the resurrection.

Download Your Easter Kit

Maundy Thursday Meal/Communion
6:30PM | Celebration Hall

Reserve your seat at The Table of Grace, our Maundy Thursday community and congregational dinner. We will experience this sacred time as Jesus’s disciples did, around a table with food that nourishes the body and conversation that nourishes the soul. Each table will have leaders who facilitate a conversation on Jesus’s journey through holy week leading to a time of communion, family style. Come hungry and be filled by the gift of God’s community. 

Reserve Your Seat

Good Friday
6:30PM | Celebration Hall

Join us for Good Friday service as we gather to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This service will feature powerful scripture readings, heartfelt prayers, and moving music, providing an opportunity for our community to pause and reflect on the significance of this sacred day. Through these moments, we'll honor the depth of Christ's love and the profound meaning of His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. All are welcome to come and experience the peace and hope that Good Friday brings.

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Easter Sunday
8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM | Sanctuary

Celebrate the hope of Easter Sunday with us as we come together to rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The service will be filled with uplifting music, inspiring messages, and a spirit of renewal as we celebrate the triumph of life over death. Whether you're a longtime member or a first-time guest, we invite you to experience the joy of Easter in a welcoming and meaningful way. Bring your family and friends as we embrace the new life and hope that Easter represents.  

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Lenten Series: Led by the Spirit

Step into a time of renewal and restoration. Through the rich heritage of the Spirituals, we will encounter the deep well of faith, resilience, and hope that has carried generations through the wilderness and into God’s promise of resurrection. Join us for Sunday worship, where our messages and music will be amplified by our Chancel choir, musicians and dynamic guest preachers: Rev. Dr. Cynthia Wilson, (March 9) renowned gospel artist, former dean at Garrett Theological Seminary, and Director of the Junius B. Dotson Institute for Music and Worship and Rev. Lan Wilson (March 16), vocalist, worship leader and Associate Director of Mission & Justice for the Indiana Conference of the UMC. Each service will invite us to be refreshed and restored by the Spirit’s presence.

Party With My Peeps - Saturday, April 12 - 10:30AM-12PM

Join us for a fun-filled family event at our annual Easter Egg Hunt! This exciting day is perfect for all ages, featuring a variety of activities for children and adults alike. From the egg hunt itself, where little ones can search for colorful eggs filled with treats, to games, crafts, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Bring your whole family for a time of laughter, fellowship, and celebration as we come together to embrace the joy of Easter. We can’t wait to see you there!

Volunteer Signup Here

Monday Morning Bible Study - Begins March 3 at 9:30AM

This study will explore the impact of the Resurrection on our lives, focusing on how it transformed those who followed Jesus and shaped world history. The Resurrection gives significance to Jesus' life, and without it, the cross would be meaningless. Through this study, we will journey with Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, Thomas, the men at Emmaus, Paul, and Jesus, reflecting on the joy of new life experienced after the Resurrection. Participants are encouraged to purchase their books and join us on Monday, February 3, for the discussion on the Introduction and first chapter—Mary Magdalene. For questions, contact Carol Miller at .

Lenten Bible Study - March 6 - April 10 at 6:30PM

We invite you to engage more deeply through our weekly Lenten Bible study. We will be reading “Plenty Good Room: A Lenten Bible Study Based on African American Spirituals”. On April 10th, members of Bethel AME church will join us for Bible Study as we share food, faith and fellowship. Together, we will explore the biblical foundations of the Spirituals, their connection to the themes of Lent, and how the Spirit moves through worship to transform our lives. Come, Be renewed. Be restored. Be Led By the Spirit. 

Signup Here