The Pre-K program will prepare your child for kindergarten. Building on what your child learned in the 3-4’s class, our teachers provide instruction in a structured fashion that will allow them to successfully enter the next stage of learning.
We focus on social skills such as getting along with others, group interaction and taking instructions from adults other than parents. Circle time allows for expression of thoughts and ideas, as well as practicing listening skills.
Field trips are educational and fun for both the child and parent. We have special events and thematic programs conducted by guest visitors. Weather permitting, we incorporate playground activities into the curriculum.
- Enrollment: Pre-K preschool is available to students who are age 4 by August 1st and completely potty trained.
- 16 students: 2 teachers
- Class Options:
- Option #1: Pre-K 3 Day (M/W/F 9:00am - 1:00pm)
- Option #2: Pre-K 4 Day (M/T/W/Th 9:00am - 1:00pm)
- Option #3: Pre-K 5 Day (M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm)
*Non-refundable Registration and Supply Fees are due at the time of enrollment. First and last month’s tuition are due by September 1st.