Faith@First - July 26, 2024

Posted by Rev. Brittney Stephan on July 26, 2024

A few years ago, I faced a challenging season in my own life, one marked by unexpected obstacles and self-doubt and left me questioning whether ministry was the right path for me at all. I remember vividly how, in the midst of that struggle, my seminary roommate and I went to see the movie “Moana” that was in theaters at the time. The storyline resonated with me deeply. As trivial as it might sound, watching this movie was a moment of renewal.

As we prepare for our final week of our “Summer at the Movies” sermon series, I encourage you to reflect on the ways God’s grace has touched your own life. How can we, as a community of faith, offer that same grace to those around us? How can we support each other in moments of doubt and uncertainty and celebrate together in moments of triumph?

How can we, as a community of faith, offer that same grace to those around us?

On Sunday, during both worship services, we will have an opportunity to engage in a reaffirmation of our baptism. I was just six months old when I was brought to the baptismal font, cradled in my parents' arms. Though I have no memory of that day, the stories shared by my family paint a vivid picture of love and community. A reaffirmation of our baptism gives us the opportunity to look back in remembrance of our baptism or look forward to what a new life through Christ could mean for us in baptism. (You don’t need to have been baptized or even remember your physical baptism to participate). Baptism is more than a ritual; it is a sacred moment where we recognize that each moment can be an opportunity to experience and share God’s love in new and meaningful ways. 

In addition, the Noblesville Township Trustees office has reached out to us with an urgent need for food donations. So this Sunday and next, we'll be collecting pull-top canned goods, cereal, granola bars, applesauce, canned fruit, pasta, canned chicken, canned tuna, 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, bar soap, and toilet paper.

Keep the Faith@First,
Pastor Brittney 

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