Faith@First - March 14, 2025

This week, I’ve been reminiscing, flipping through old pictures. One photo of Isabella took me back to a time when she wouldn’t walk anywhere without being held. No matter where we were—crossing a parking lot, walking into church, or just strolling through the park—she needed that security, that closeness.
That memory brought to mind the Spiritual “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me.” Isn’t that our prayer, too? Through the wilderness of life, through challenges, temptations, and fears, we long for Jesus to hold us close in faith, grace, and love.
Lent is a season that calls us into the wilderness, just as Jesus was led there for forty days (Luke 4:1-13). The wilderness can be a difficult place—isolating, uncertain, even exhausting. Yet it is also a place of transformation. A place where we let go of distractions, when the things we once depended on fall away and we realize that God’s presence is enough. It’s also a place, that prepares us for mission. Jesus didn’t stay in the wilderness; He emerged from it strengthened and ready to proclaim the Good News. Our own wilderness experiences shape us, refine us, and prepare us for what God is calling us to do.
This Sunday, I invite you to worship with us as the Rev. Lan Davis-Wilson, preaches on the theme Led Into Mission and sings “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me.” Come and be encouraged that Jesus walks with you through every trial, guiding your steps, holding you close, and leading you into new purpose. I’ll see you Sunday!
Keep the Faith @First,
Pastor Nicole