
Current Series

Led By The Spirit

Step into a time of renewal and restoration. Through the rich heritage of the Spirituals, we will encounter the deep well of faith, resilience, and hope that has carried generations through the wilderness and into God’s promise of resurrection. Join us for Sunday worship, where our messages and music will be amplified by our Chancel choir, musicians and dynamic guest preachers: Rev. Dr. Cynthia Wilson, (March 9) renowned gospel artist, former dean at Garrett Theological Seminary, and Director of the Junius B. Dotson Institute for Music and Worship and Rev. Lan Wilson (March 16), vocalist, worship leader and Associate Director of Mission & Justice for the Indiana Conference of the UMC. Each service will invite us to be refreshed and restored by the Spirit’s presence.

Saved You A Seat

Explore the profound inclusivity of God's love and the open invitation to ever...
