Appetizers for Body and Soul
Hosts: Mary Eileen & Don Spence
Frequency: Monthly
Days/Times: Fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8PM
Location: Church parlor.
An evening group that would be centered around gathering for appetizers and fellowship. Our thought is to let the group self-direct what they would like to talk about faith-wise, as well as how often they would like to meet. All of us would be asked to provide an appetizer. The first discussion may simply be designed around the sermon for whatever week we begin.
Circle of Friends
Host: Susie Beesley
Frequency: Weekly (seasonal)
Days/Times: Wednesdays, January 15-May 21 from 9:30-11:30AM
Location: Wesley Hall
Circle of Friends will be studying "Parables: The Greatest Stories Ever Told" by John White. Parables are extended metaphors or illustrations shared by Jesus, a supremely gifted teacher. John White's guide will introduce us to several of Jesus' parables and their application for today. All are welcome to join us. The group meets in Wesley Hall from 9:30-11:30 am. We do not meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Please order your own book from your favorite book distributor. Contact Susie Beesley at 317-696-5906 or
for more information.
Early 50s & Up Fellowship Group
Hosts: Alan Ariel & Cindy Ariel
Frequency: Monthly
This group gathers for a casual night of fellowship hosted at one another's homes.
Helping Hands
Facilitator: Jane Meats
Frequency: Varies based on activities
Days/Times: February 23, April 27, July 27, and October 26 at 11:30am
Locations: The Parlor
Do you enjoy offering a helping hand? Members of this group offer their time and talents for the church's Lunch Bunch Superstars program in the summer and on school breaks, as well as at the church's Teter Retreat & Organic Farm, around the church on Sunday mornings, and in preparation for various church events. No experience necessary!
Lunchtime With Friends
Host: Carol Miller
Frequency: Monthly
Days/Times: Varies
Location: Varies
This women's group gathers monthly in a group member's home, a restaurant, or place of the hostess's choice for a time together of fellowship and laughter. The group includes eight regular members plus two “new” friends of hostess’ choice. Each month has a different focus for conversation: study, craft, a guest presenter from an organization, art demonstration, garden tips, or any topic of interest chosen by the hostess.
Psalm 23 - The Shepherd with Me Study Group
Hosts: Carol Miller
Frequency: Weekly
Days/Times: Mondays beginning January 13 from 9:30-11:15AM
Location: The Parlor
We will be delving into Jennifer Rothschild's new study - Psalm 23 - The Shepherd with Me. Rothschild writes: "You'll discover that Psalm 23 is a spiritual lullaby that your Shepherd sings over you in every season of your life. And it's not just a psalm that gives you comfort in death. Sister, it is a palm designed to give you confidence in life…allow yourself to be a sheep setting you free…a needy, vulnerable, devoted sheep!" Join us and take a new look into the famous Psalm 23 and come to know your Savior as He cares for you. Each participant is asked to purchase their book from their favorite book resource. Contact Carol Miller, cmiller@noblesvillefirst with your questions.
Monday Morning Bible Study
Hosts: Carol Miller
Frequency: Weekly
Days/Times: Mondays beginning January 13 from 9:30-11:15AM
Location: The Parlor
This study will explore the impact of the Resurrection on our lives, focusing on how it transformed those who followed Jesus and shaped world history. The Resurrection gives significance to Jesus' life, and without it, the cross would be meaningless. Through this study, we will journey with Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, Thomas, the men at Emmaus, Paul, and Jesus, reflecting on the joy of new life experienced after the Resurrection. Participants are encouraged to purchase their books and join us on Monday, February 3, for the discussion on the Introduction and first chapter—Mary Magdalene. For questions, contact Carol Miller at
Thoughts on the Rocks Men's Group
Frequency: Once a Month
Days/Times: 2nd Thursdays Every Month from 5:30-7:30PM
Location: Varies
Thoughts on the Rocks is men creating better versions of themselves. Men come together to share a meal and fellowship. Conversations range from sports, work, family, relationships, and other real life issues. It's building a bond with other men that share the same goals, frustrations, challenges and questions. Through the sharing of experiences, we often not only help ourselves, but others. Our goal is to provide a casual, judgment free environment, for men to come together and share their stories and questions with other men.
United Women in Faith
The mission of United Women in Faith is to connect and nurture women so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. The United Women in Faith at Noblesville First have a number of circle groups who engage in service and fellowship. We also partner with other churches for events and fundraising opportunities.
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